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INTRODUCTION By Land Translator On Twitter  @NickLandInEngl1 After months of waiting, this summary translation of Nick Land's accelerationist position is complete. Because of the sheer volume of material contained with works like Fanged Noumena, Xenosystems, CCRU Publications, The Dark Enlightenment, et al., no summary really does the subject justice. For brevity I have limited myself to selected Xenosystems articles, and filtered all interpretation through what I know of twitter discussions, comments, and other works surrounding the subject. If you are reading about accelerationism then you probably already know that more than one definition for the subject exists. Nonetheless, to give clarification to the newbie, accelerationism may be defined as either the factual assertion that that capitalism will accelerate over time, or that it should be accelerated in order to bring about radical progressive social change. The factual assertion is represented by the posi...

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